The future of electrocardiography is autonomous ECG interpretation

Comprehensive AI for ambulatory ECG analysis

Our AI algorithm identifies more than 20 types of cardiac events, including key arrhythmias such as:

  • Atrial Fibrillation or Atrial Flutter

  • Atrioventricular Block (second-degree, third-degree, advanced high-grade AV block)

  • Ventricular Tachycardia

  • Premature Supraventricular Complexes (PSVCs) and PSVC Couplets, PSVC Triplets

  • Atrial Bigeminy, Atrial Trigeminy, Atrial Quadrigeminy.

  • Premature Ventricular Complexes (PVCs), Ventricular Couplets, Ventricular Triplets.

  • Ventricular Bigeminy, Ventricular Trigeminy, Ventricular Quadrigeminy.

  • Pause

  • Sinus Rhythm, Bradycardia, Tachycardia


>10x reduction in atrial fibrillation false positives from Holter ECG

Using the MIT-BIH public database, our PulseAI algorithm was compared to a reference RR interval-based method. Our AI algorithm was shown to improve the specificity in AFib detection from 79% to 99% with comparable sensitivity.


A 95% reduction in inconclusive smartwatch ECG interpretations.

We conducted a comparative analysis between our PulseAI for smartwatch ECG and the embedded device algorithm. The findings revealed a 95% reduction in inconclusive diagnoses using PulseAI. This efficiency not only minimises the time required for physician review but also lowers the likelihood of missed, delayed, or inaccurate diagnoses.


39% increase in the number of patients who could measure the QTc interval on smartwatch ECG

PulseAI revolutionizes QTc-interval measurements by leveraging advanced AI technology to deliver superior accuracy and precision from single-lead ECGs. Compared to traditional manufacturer algorithms, PulseAI significantly improves diagnostic accuracy, ensuring more reliable assessments of critical cardiac metrics. This innovation enhances clinical decision-making, reducing the risk of errors and improving patient outcomes in cardiovascular care.

*The PulseAI Platform is not FDA cleared.